mental health

Feeling Alone as a Parent

Why is it that you can be surrounded by your children and partner, but still feel so alone and isolated? Why do we as parents feel like we are all alone and why do we have this profound nagging guilt for feeling that way?   If this resonates with you, you are not alone; not […]

Surviving Your Children When You Are Sick

As a parent you don’t get a day off, regardless if you’re sick or not; it’s not an option to stay in bed all day watching daytime television. You have responsibilities that include but are not limited to: cooking, being a snack dispenser, cleaning, changing diapers, kissing boo-boo’s, etc. However, you don’t have to be a […]

Teaching Turn Taking and Patience to Children

Teaching patience and turn taking at a young age can greatly improve your child’s ability to manage difficult situations as they get older. We all have had experiences in grocery stores or while in line for our morning coffee; coming across someone who has has little to no experience in patience. Being able to be […]

Keeping Your Kiddos Entertained Indoors During The Winter

  All too soon, it will be too cold for your kids to go outside; which is when they turn their attention to you to keep them entertained (lucky you!). So, to ease some of that stress here are some fun activities to help entertain your littles.     -Create an obstacle course in the […]

5 Steps to Grow Gratitude in Young Children

This blog was provided by our friends at Sparkler! For more blogs and to learn more about Sparkler please visit:   Gratitude — feelings of thankfulness — helps children (and all people) feel less stressed, more optimistic, and happier. Listen to Sparkler’s new song — “I’m Grateful” and learn five ways to help children […]

Road Trip Activities

  The Holiday’s are fast approaching and with that can come hours and hours of travel with your family. Every parent knows that when traveling with children the inevitable “are we there yet” happens as soon as boredoms sets in (which happens sooner rather than later).   Hopefully, with some of the following tips and […]

Manage Your Child’s Digital Diet with Dr. Jenny Radesky

Our Friends over at the Sparkler app sat down with Dr. Jenny Radesky the director of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics at the University of Michigan, and she authored the American Academy of Pediatrics’ screen time guidelines. Her research focuses on the intersection of mobile technology, parenting, parent-child interaction, and child development. Dr. Radesky chatted with Sparkler about screen […]

Understanding Attachment Styles to Nurture Secure Parental Connections

Since we’ve been talking about Parenting we should also talk about Attachment styles. Our attachment starts in the womb, what our parent goes through, their emotional state, and stress all are connected to us. Attachment is the way our caregivers interact with us and how their interactions with us impacts our own relationships and how […]