Help Me Grow (HMG) is not a stand-alone program, but rather a system model that utilizes and builds on existing resources in order to develop and enhance a comprehensive approach to early childhood system-building in any given community. Successful implementation of the Help Me Grow model requires communities to identify existing resources, think creatively about how to make the most of existing opportunities, and build a coalition to work collaboratively toward a shared agenda.
It is the cooperation of these four Core Components that characterizes the Help Me Grow system model.
Access Point
A Centralized Access Point assists families and professionals in connecting children to the grid of community resources that help them thrive.
Family & Community
Family & Community Outreach builds parent and provider understanding of healthy child development, supportive services available to families in the community, and how both are important to improving children’s outcomes.
Child Health Provider Outreach
With how many families and children Health Care Providers see on a daily basis, they serve a large part in the HMG Model. Child Health Care Provider Outreach supports early detection and intervention efforts and connects medical providers to the grid of community resources to best support families.
Data Collection
& Analysis
Data Collection & Analysis supports evaluation, helps identify systemic gaps, bolsters advocacy efforts, and guides quality improvement.

National History
Help Me Grow is a national model that was started by Dr. Paul Dworkin in 1997. He founded and started Help Me Grow as he saw a deficit within the pediatric world when it came to helping at-risk children and families. In 2005 the first HMG replica was made in Orange County, California then from there more affiliates were started. Between 2008-2010 5 different new programs were started in different states. Between 2010-2013 10 additional states started a HMG program. As of 2014-present, there are 31 states that are affiliated with HMG.

Local History
Kenosha County has a long history of collaboration among its early childhood partners. That history brought the support needed to launch Help Me Grow in Kenosha.

Meet the Team
While there are many different community partners and individuals that help and contribute to Help Me Grow Kenosha, here are the members of the Kenosha Team. Continue to check in to watch our team grow!

Suzann Wolf
Help Me Grow Supervisor, Local Lead

Christy Guerra
Help Me Grow Coordinator

Jodee Rizzitano, RN
Family Navigator – Health Dept.

Community Partner Navigator
Open Position
Why Refer
Do you have questions regarding developmental or behavioral challenges for your children? If so, experts agree that early detection and connection to providers and services will lead to the best outcome for children with those challenges. Contact the Help Me Grow Coordinator or click on the Enroll button if you have questions or concerns. Our Help Me Grow team will help you navigate options and get you in the right track to have those connections with experts in child development.
Contact us at 262-300-9040
For every $1 invested, HMG generates more than $5 in quantifiable savings over the long term
- HMG Utah with Manatt Health identified cross-sector quantifiable savings over a one-year time period in 2020 and found total savings to be $2,576,725 and total operating costs to be $472,152, resulting in a $2,104,573 net savings
- Total savings were split between short term ROI, or savings that accrue in 1 year or less and long term ROI or savings that accrue in more than 1 year.

% Developmental Screens Needing Referral 2024 Kenosha (based on ASQ-3 & ASQSE scores)