Health Care

What is Birth to Three?

Pediatrician’s will screen children using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) at the 9 month, 18 month and  36 month appointments. The ASQ will determine if there is a potential for a developmental delay in 5 different developmental domains (Communication, Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Personal Social and Problem Solving); if the pediatrician identifies a potential […]

Feeling Alone as a Parent

Why is it that you can be surrounded by your children and partner, but still feel so alone and isolated? Why do we as parents feel like we are all alone and why do we have this profound nagging guilt for feeling that way?   If this resonates with you, you are not alone; not […]

Identifying Potential Speech and Language Delays

Disclaimer: all children develop at their own pace; milestones are a gauge by which 75% of children meet at any given age. Milestones are not a hard and fast rule, rather it’s a tool to gauge for the potential delays in development.   There is a difference between speech and language skills.    Speech is […]

Should I be regularly screening my child for Developmental concerns?

When you go to the pediatrician for your child’s 9, 18 and 36 month appointments, you’ll likely be asked to complete the Ages and Stages Developmental Questionnaire (ASQ). This questionnaire is used to gauge where your child is at developmentally and if any concerns should arise, your pediatrician can make referrals for services. However there […]

Parent-Teacher Relationships: The Key to Back-to-School Success

This Blog was provided by Sparkler: Play for Parenting; Sparkler Blog. By Donna Housman, Ed.D Dr. Donna Housman, Ed.D is the founder and CEO of Housman Institute, which conducts research on emotional intelligence in young children and develops high-quality programs to train early childhood educators. Dr. Housman has over thirty-five years of experience as a […]

Mental Health in Early Childhood: A Q&A With Dr. Sarah Gray

  Tell us a little about yourself and what you do in the field. I am a licensed clinical psychologist and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at UConn, with a joint appointment in Psychiatry at UConn’s School of Medicine. My primary roles are in research and teaching at both the undergraduate and […]

When Kids Make Mistakes

Making mistakes is a natural, albeit frustrating part of learning and teaching our children how to deal with making mistakes can set them up for success later on in life. When our children make mistakes it may not seem like a big deal to us; having their tower of blocks fall, not being able to […]

Finding The Right Pediatrician

If you’re a new parent, are expecting, recently moved to a new area or are just no longer able to utilize your current pediatrician anymore this Blog’s for you.   Sometimes we just get lucky and end up with a pediatrician that gets us and understands our children’s needs by picking a random name off […]