
Good Sleep Habits

Ah…sleep, the thing that every living being has to do; except maybe jellyfish and sea stars…do worms sleep???   Anyway, before we go off down a rabbit hole of googling random animals sleeping habits; let’s focus on our own species shall we?   Sleep changes throughout our life and when our children are young, it […]

Infant and Child CPR

Preparing for a disaster can sometimes be intimidating. I Look, no one wants to think about their child or any child in their life in harm’s way, but as caregivers want to be prepared if something terrible happens.   Felling helpless is never a good feeling, especially when it’s an emergency. In this blog, we’re […]

Sensory Issues: The Sensory Avoidant Child

Last time, we spoke about the sensory seeking child (please see the previous post: Sensory Issues: The Sensory Seeking Child for more information), now we’re going to flip that coin over and talk about the sensory avoidant child. While a child can be sensory seeking and sensory avoiding, it’s good to have an understanding on […]

Handling Sibling Rivalry

Parents and caregivers of more than one child know the struggle of your children fighting over the same toy, pushing each other’s buttons or name calling. Sometimes the fights/arguments come to an end on their own without too much fall out. But, how do we as parents handle sibling rivalry with out seeming like there’s […]

Helping Your Child with Self-Regulation (pre-school aged)

Children can struggle with self-regulation skills; it is helpful to be able to identify when our children are overwhelmed/overstimulated/under stimulated and assist in developing their own coping skills in order to be able to self-regulate. Every child regulates differently, so here are some popular options that may help.   Help your child identify how they […]