
Sparkler Blog: Ways Families Can Support Dental Health

Check out this blog from our Friends at the Sparkler app; for more blogs by them or to learn more about the Sparkler app click HERE!   Learn how you can support dental health throughout early childhood. Caring for children’s teeth is important for their dental health and overall health and wellbeing — and it’s […]

Activities to Foster Early Literacy

Helping children to boost their vocabulary, language and reading skill doesn’t have to difficult; most kids want to be around and learn from their caregivers, especially if it’s fun. Here are some activities to encourage those early literacy skills.   Engage children in rhyming activities -Rhyming helps children begin to recognize patterns in spoken words; […]

Common Childhood Illnesses

News Flash!! If you have kids they’re going to get sick (mind blowing, right?) Whether you’re a new parent or a parent who’s been around the block a few times it’s always good to have an idea of common childhood illnesses; so, here’s a list of some parents should be aware of. Obviously, there are […]

Sparkler: Start Your Engines! Sparkler Activities for Little Engineers

This blog post is provided by our friends at Sparkler; for more posts like this one please visit their blog page at: playsparkler.org/blog/     Start Your Engines! Sparkler Activities for Little Engineers Sparkler has thousands of activities designed to help children (5 and under) build important early skills and spark passions. Here are a […]

IEP: Supports vs Services

  Now that school is in full swing, if you have a child with an IEP or 504 plan you may be meeting to discuss additional accommodations being added. But what is the difference between Supports and Services? Because there certainly is one, but these terms seem to be interchanged frequently which can have an […]

Parenting Styles: Sub Types

Since we we talked about the main Parenting types last week, we can talk about the 6 Parenting subtypes and how they impact families.   Free-Range Parenting Helicopter Parenting Snowplow Parenting Lighthouse Parenting Attachment Parenting Tiger Parenting   Free-Range Parenting Free-Range Parenting used to get a lot of flack, parents who use this style were […]

How To Ask Your Child About Their Day

As parents we want to know about our kids day, but often times when we ask how their day went their response is something like: “I don’t know”, “It was fine/okay/good”, or my favorite “I don’t remember”. So, how do we get them to open up to us to talk about what they learned or […]

Bullying 101: Who, Why and How

At some point in everyone’s life we’ve all been bullied and/or have been a bully, it tends to be unavoidable. So, lets learn what bullying is, who is bullied, why bullies do what they do and how we can arm our children with the knowledge of how to deal with bullies.   Who Tends to […]

When You Feel Like Giving Up on Parenting

  At some point we’ve all been there, right? We’re overstimulated, over being call upon, over being touched and having to repeat ourselves or having to pick up the same messes day after day with out an ounce of recognition. Many people may criticize parents who feel this way; many people may say that parents […]