
Early Head Start vs Head Start: What’s The Difference?

Often the terms “Early Head Start” and “Head Start” are used interchangeably; however, these are two completely different programs. Both serve families with young children who meet income guidelines, both programs are geared towards early learning. Though there are some distinct differences between the two,     Early Head Start (EHS)   EHS is a […]

Sparkler Blog: Ways Families Can Support Dental Health

Check out this blog from our Friends at the Sparkler app; for more blogs by them or to learn more about the Sparkler app click HERE!   Learn how you can support dental health throughout early childhood. Caring for children’s teeth is important for their dental health and overall health and wellbeing — and it’s […]

What is Birth to Three?

Pediatrician’s will screen children using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) at the 9 month, 18 month and  36 month appointments. The ASQ will determine if there is a potential for a developmental delay in 5 different developmental domains (Communication, Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Personal Social and Problem Solving); if the pediatrician identifies a potential […]

Feeling Alone as a Parent

Why is it that you can be surrounded by your children and partner, but still feel so alone and isolated? Why do we as parents feel like we are all alone and why do we have this profound nagging guilt for feeling that way?   If this resonates with you, you are not alone; not […]

Identifying Potential Speech and Language Delays

Disclaimer: all children develop at their own pace; milestones are a gauge by which 75% of children meet at any given age. Milestones are not a hard and fast rule, rather it’s a tool to gauge for the potential delays in development.   There is a difference between speech and language skills.    Speech is […]

Surviving Your Children When You Are Sick

As a parent you don’t get a day off, regardless if you’re sick or not; it’s not an option to stay in bed all day watching daytime television. You have responsibilities that include but are not limited to: cooking, being a snack dispenser, cleaning, changing diapers, kissing boo-boo’s, etc. However, you don’t have to be a […]

Teaching Toddlers to Use Their Words

Ask any parent of a toddler, there’s nothing more frustrating for the parent (as well as the toddler) when you can’t understand what your toddler is trying to tell you. Between the ages of about 18 months and 3 years old toddler’s are gaining new words and language skills like crazy, unfortunately their little mouths […]

Activities to Foster Early Literacy

Helping children to boost their vocabulary, language and reading skill doesn’t have to difficult; most kids want to be around and learn from their caregivers, especially if it’s fun. Here are some activities to encourage those early literacy skills.   Engage children in rhyming activities -Rhyming helps children begin to recognize patterns in spoken words; […]