Help Me Grow Resources

Finding The Right Pediatrician

If you’re a new parent, are expecting, recently moved to a new area or are just no longer able to utilize your current pediatrician anymore this Blog’s for you.   Sometimes we just get lucky and end up with a pediatrician that gets us and understands our children’s needs by picking a random name off […]

Good Sleep Habits

Ah…sleep, the thing that every living being has to do; except maybe jellyfish and sea stars…do worms sleep???   Anyway, before we go off down a rabbit hole of googling random animals sleeping habits; let’s focus on our own species shall we?   Sleep changes throughout our life and when our children are young, it […]

Catch Your Kids Being Good!

Nothing beats the feeling when you’re told that you’ve done a good job; especially by someone that you admire. Kids feel the same way. It’s probably one of the easiest way to ensure that our kids continue to do good (well, that and maybe candy); positively praising our children encourages them to continue to be […]

Child Proofing: 101

Hooray! Your baby is crawling and learning to walk, such a big milestone! ♥   “Wait….No….Timmy don’t touch that!” “Put…That…Down!” “You’re going to fall!” “How did you get up there?”   Does this sound familiar? Maybe not yet if you’re a new parent, but just wait, it will. And soon, as a parent your new […]

Sensory Issues: The Sensory Seeking Child

Have teachers, other parents, friends or family questioned you on why you are unable to “control” your child or ask you why your child “acts that way”? Do you find yourself asking your child to use their inside voice, to stop jumping/spinning/climbing-to just sit still, over and over and over again? If so, you may […]