
The Power of Early Intervention: A Q&A With Dr. Marianne L. Barton

  Sparkler family  & community engagement specialist, Meaghan Penrod, spoke with Dr. Marianne L. Barton, Clinical Professor and Director of Clinical Training at the University of Connecticut Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology. Dr. Barton is a licensed psychologist and has worked for more than 30 years providing evaluation and treatment to young children and their […]

Dealing With Picky Eaters

What do you do when your child just won’t eat anything other than chicken nuggies, or plain pasta? When should you be concerned about your child not eating enough of the right kinds of food? Should you just be happy that your kid’s eating?   If you ask yourself these questions every time you put […]

How to Prep and Help Your Children Adapt to a New Baby

  Bringing home a new baby is always exciting for everyone involved, but sometimes that excitement wears off pretty quickly for the children already in the home; you know, with all the crying, poopy diapers, and parents who are sleep deprived. So, what can we do to better prepare our children for the new baby? […]

Good Sleep Habits

Ah…sleep, the thing that every living being has to do; except maybe jellyfish and sea stars…do worms sleep???   Anyway, before we go off down a rabbit hole of googling random animals sleeping habits; let’s focus on our own species shall we?   Sleep changes throughout our life and when our children are young, it […]

Infant and Child CPR

Preparing for a disaster can sometimes be intimidating. I Look, no one wants to think about their child or any child in their life in harm’s way, but as caregivers want to be prepared if something terrible happens.   Felling helpless is never a good feeling, especially when it’s an emergency. In this blog, we’re […]

Sensory Issues: The Sensory Avoidant Child

Last time, we spoke about the sensory seeking child (please see the previous post: Sensory Issues: The Sensory Seeking Child for more information), now we’re going to flip that coin over and talk about the sensory avoidant child. While a child can be sensory seeking and sensory avoiding, it’s good to have an understanding on […]

Sensory Issues: The Sensory Seeking Child

Have teachers, other parents, friends or family questioned you on why you are unable to “control” your child or ask you why your child “acts that way”? Do you find yourself asking your child to use their inside voice, to stop jumping/spinning/climbing-to just sit still, over and over and over again? If so, you may […]