
Tummy Time

  What is tummy time? It may sound silly but, tummy time is a time for babies to play on their stomachs or “tummies”. Tummy time is important for motor development as well as visual and sensory development. A major benefit to tummy time is the prevention of flat spots on the back of the […]

Park Safety: tips and tricks for being safe outdoors

As warmer weather approaches, most of us are ready to head outdoors and get back to playing at parks.  Parks can be a great, cost effective way for young children to get outdoors and get exercise.  Parks are often crowded with lots of children running around.  Parks can also be the home to water sprinklers […]

The Importance of Sensory Play in Toddlers

Sensory play is a type of play that activates a child’s senses.  Sensory play offers children a way to engage with the world around them while learning and developing.  Children grow and develop rapidly in the first three years of life.  It is important to help encourage sensory exploration as it is a crucial part […]

What does Healthy Eating Look Like for Kids?

Having healthy eating habits as an adult is important and oftentimes comes from a good foundation as a child.  It is never too early or late to start establishing those healthy eating habits!  You can even start these habits when your little ones are babies!  Picking a quiet, safe spot to feed your infant and […]

Sensory Development in Babies

The first 12 months of your baby’s life are full of sensory experiences.  Different smells, sounds, tastes, sights and things to touch are all part of exciting exploration that babies do.  At birth, your baby’s hearing and smell are very strong.  Sight and taste are limited at birth and will continue to develop as your […]

The ABC’s of safe sleep for infants

Safe sleep for babies can look and mean many different things.  The “ABC’s” of safe sleep for infants is what we will talk about in today’s blog.  The first couple of months with a brand new infant can be exhausting and most parents experience sleep deprivation.  As important as getting your baby to sleep during […]

Rainy Day Activities

Whether you’ve got toddlers, adolescents or preteens at home, finding activities for everyone to do together can e difficult. Here are some ideas to do during a rainy day that can bring out giggles and fun for everyone!   Check our Help Me Grow Kenosha’s Pinterest board for ideas on some fun activities to do […]

Does Preschool Prepare your Child for Appropriate Social Skills and Interactions with Other Children?

Most parents and caregivers enroll their children in a preschool or daycare for a variety of reasons.  The most common reasons are for childcare and educational opportunities.  What many people don’t know is that preschool/daycare settings equip your young child with many socialization skills. Social skills such as sharing, taking turns, recognizing emotions, listening to […]

Why are well child visits important?

New Parents often notice that they have to take their newborn babies to the doctor quite often.  While this is reassuring for many parents to have a doctor’s eye on their baby, it is also essential.  Well child visits start right after a child is taken home from the hospital and will continue all throughout […]

Reading and Learning: How Kids Get From There to Here

One of the questions I often hear as a children’s librarian is, “Where are the books to help teach my child to learn to read?” Now, while I’m usually a firm believer that there’s no such thing as a silly question- this has to be one of the silliest to ever exits.  That’s because, of […]