The ABC’s of safe sleep for infants

Safe sleep for babies can look and mean many different things.  The “ABC’s” of safe sleep for infants is what we will talk about in today’s blog.  The first couple of months with a brand new infant can be exhausting and most parents experience sleep deprivation.  As important as getting your baby to sleep during the night is, it’s important to remember that their safety while sleeping is the biggest priority.


You’ve probably heard the term “The ABC’s of Safe Sleep” but what does that mean? The ABC’s of safe sleep are three crucial elements needed for your baby to sleep the safest.  A stands for Alone.  An infant should sleep alone.  Keep all loose blankets, toys, and stuffed animals out of the infant’s crib.  Sleep positioning devices are popular but are not safe to have in a crib with a sleeping baby.  B stands for Back. Babies should be placed on their back for sleeping. When infants are very young and small they don’t have the strength to roll themselves over.  On the back is the safest and it keeps their airway open and clear. At some point they will learn how to roll, crawl and stand on their own.  Once this happens, your baby will move around quite a bit in their bed and that is ok.  It is important to remember to lay your baby down on their back to fall asleep. C stands for Crib. It could be a crib, bassinet or any other designated bed designed for infant sleep.. While it is helpful to sleep in the same room as your infant for the first couple of months of their new life, it is important to sleep in a separate bed. Avoid letting your baby sleep on a couch, jumper, swing, car seat or any other device.  Also, be sure to check that your crib or bassinet meets all required safety standards.


Check the following links for more information from health experts regarding safe sleep for infants.

Safe Sleep for Babies

American Academy of Pediatrics Safe Sleep Recommendations