Nutrition During Preschool & Kindergarten


When children eat properly, they feel better. Your child should be eating the same foods as the rest of the family during the preschool and kindergarten years. As a parent, it is your job to provide nutritious food in a calm environment at set mealtimes. Here’s some tips for parents during meal times: 


  • Limit Sugar & Processed Foods: Processed foods and sugary drinks can lead to cavities and unhealthy weight gain.


  • Portion sizes: Serve appropriate serving sizes, but don’t expect on your children to always eat the entire meal. Alternatively, let your kids select their own serving sizes. It’s okay for children to leave food on their plates. They should start learning when they are full at this age. Some children could still be picky eaters at this age.  While parents can encourage their kids to try different meals, they shouldn’t force them to eat.


  • Offer Range: Offering you children a variety of healthy foods can help them get the vitamins they need. This can also help prevent your child from getting “bored” with meals. Don’t be afraid to try any toddler friendly recipes! 


Find more information about nutrition, portion sizes, and recipes below: