Monsters Under The Bed?

Have you recently uncovered an infestation of Monsters underneath your child’s bed? Those Monsters can be pesky creatures; preventing your child from falling asleep at night and waking them up in the middle of the night. And once you get an infestation it can be difficult to get rid of them, especially if they’ve staked their claim; which can lead to many, many sleepless nights for you and your little. Well, no worries, we got some tips to help you get rid of those Monsters, or at least keep them at bay and reassure your kiddo that even if they’re under the bed they know better than to come out (if they know what’s good for them).



Option 1: For those who want to confront those Monsters face to face

When your child comes to you and says that there are Monsters under their bed don’t just dismiss it; kids will often know sooner than you that the house has been infested with  Monsters (they’re entuned like that). Take the time to listen to your child, get as much information about the Monsters as you can; the more information you know the easier it will be to get rid of them. \


Come up with a plan to get rid of them.

There’s a Monster repellent recipe that you can use. Mix some essential oils (anything that smells good to you-Monsters hate good smelling things) and water in a spray bottle. Then go with your child to their room and have them spray all around the room before they go to bed.


Break out the night light. You can get one of those traditional night lights that plug into an outlet, there are tons of cool ones that project light onto the walls and/or celling with different colors, or if you want to get creative-grab some led strip lights and tape them to the underside of the bed frame to light up underneath.


Let the Monsters know who’s boss! Tell those Monsters that they don’t belong in the house, that they are not welcome, encourage your child to use their voice to tell them to “get out”! Your child is strong and brave, they aren’t afraid of some silly ole Monster!




Option 2: For those who prefer a dose of reality

The other option for dealing with Monster’s under the bed is to give your child a dose of reality-letting them know that there are no such things as Monsters.


Just like before don’t dismiss your child’s feelings or concerns; make sure to listen and be reassuring. Empathize with them by letting them know that what they’re feeling is normal and that everyone has fears even grownups. But, also letting them know that Monsters are only a thing that they’ll see in movies or read in books; that they won’t harmed or woken up in the middle of the night to a pair (or more) of eyes staring at them.


You can problem solve with your child on ways to make them feel safe and comfortable at night. Some ideas could include: reading a bed time story, sleeping with a favorite toy/blanket, listening to calming music or doing some deep breathing exercises to help calm their mind. It also helps to be consistent with a routine so your child knows what to expect when it’s time for bed.


Breaking out the night lights also never hurt anyone.


Additional Considerations 

Take a peek at what your child is watching on the TV/tablet or what kinds of games they are playing; make sure they are age appropriate and that they haven’t stumbled upon content that they shouldn’t be watching.


If your child continues to be distressed by Monsters, having trouble falling and/or staying asleep then it may be a good idea to discuss this with your pediatrician.