Park Safety: tips and tricks for being safe outdoors

As warmer weather approaches, most of us are ready to head outdoors and get back to playing at parks.  Parks can be a great, cost effective way for young children to get outdoors and get exercise.  Parks are often crowded with lots of children running around.  Parks can also be the home to water sprinklers or splash pads, hot surfaces, sandboxes and tall equipment.  As fun as playgrounds can be, there are risks associated with playing there.  Here are some important safety tips to remember when bringing little ones to parks to play.

♦It’s important for parents/caregivers to maintain visual sight of their children at all times

♦Wearing appropriate shoes to protect their feet.

♦Check equipment such as slides and teeter totters before they use them to make sure they aren’t too hot.

♦Check over the sandboxes before playing in them to make sure there aren’t any sharp objects like glass or animal droppings.

♦Don’t forget to apply sunscreen or bug spray!

♦Talk about stranger danger and reinforce the importance of it.

♦Teach your children the appropriate ways to play on all the equipment to prevent falls and injuries.

♦Encourage children to not shove or push when playing on the equipment.

♦Try to encourage smaller/younger children to play on the smaller equipment to avoid injuries.

♦Remember to report any damaged or broken equipment to the local community government or parks department.

♦In the hot months, hydration is important. Don’t forget to pack water and snacks.

♦Remember to remove loose clothing, scarves or jewelry before playing.


Check out these links for more tips on how to make your trip to the park not only fun but safe as well.

Public Playground Safety Checklist

Playground Safety