Early Head Start vs Head Start: What’s The Difference?
Often the terms “Early Head Start” and “Head Start” are used interchangeably; however, these are two completely different programs. Both serve families with young children who meet income guidelines, both programs are geared towards early learning. Though there are some distinct differences between the two,
Early Head Start (EHS)
EHS is a federally funded program to provide early childhood services to families who meet income guidelines and are either pregnant and/or have children under the age of three. EHS in Kenosha is provided through the Kenosha Achievement Center (following the Kenosha Unified School District boundary) and often families can transition right into Head Start from Early Head Start. Families who are enrolled in EHS can also be enrolled in Birth to Three if they qualify.
EHS meets with families on a weekly basis teaching parents and caregivers:
-Educational Strategies
-Learning how parents are their children’s first teachers
-Child Development
-Learn what is developmentally appropriate for their children and how to foster their child’s development as they grow
-Financial Stability
-Learn how to reach their own finance goals, housing, and transportation needs
-Self-Sufficiency and Self Advocacy
-Learning how to access and use community resources
-Learning how to access dental, medical and mental health care
-Free Family Fun Events
To be eligible for this program, families must meet the following guidelines:
-In Kenosha, Families must reside with in the Kenosha Unified School District boundary.
-Families must meet income guidelines
Early Head Start programs provide family-focused services for low-income families with young children, that promote child development and empowering parents towards self-sufficiency. Unlike preschool EHS caters specifically to expecting parents, infants and toddlers, fostering their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth through nurturing caregiving.
EHS view parents and primary caregivers as educators; EHS staff assists families in achieving personal goals related to housing, education, and financial stability. Additionally, Early Head Start collaborates with local communities to offer essential resources and comprehensive support for the children and families they serve.
Head Start
Head Start is a federally funded early education program for children aged 3 and 4 provided by the Kenosha Unified School District or Western Kenosha County Head Start Head Start is a half day program with both AM and PM classes Children enrolled in this program will learn the following skills to prepare them for kindergarten:
-How to identify their colors, numbers, and letters
-How to write their name
-How to use scissors
-Gain valuable social skills
-Eat healthy, how to brush their teeth and learn the benefits of exercise
-How to follow classroom routines and schedules
-Improve their listening skills
To be eligible for this program families must meet the following guidelines:
-Children must have a physical and dental exam with in 90 days of enrollment
-Families must have verification of their child’s immunization records or an immunization waiver must be provided
-Families must meet income guidelines
-The child’s original birth certificate must be provided
According to Headstart.gov ; since it’s inception in 1965, Head Start programs have positively impacted 40 million children and their families, resulting in increased high school graduation and college enrollment rates, enhanced social and emotional growth, and improved parenting abilities. Participants in Early Head Start encounter fewer child welfare issues and contacts. Children who have been enrolled in head Start have shown long term economic gains through out their life.
Both EHS and Head Start programs are offered at no cost to qualifying families, and they have a proven track record of providing significant benefits to communities they serve. These programs have has a long lasting impact on the development of children and families as they grow; providing families with knowledge and the confidence to reach their goals.
To learn more about these programs please visit the Kenosha Achievement Center,Kenosha Unified School District and Western Kenosha County Head Start websites.