Surviving Your Children When You Are Sick
As a parent you don’t get a day off, regardless if you’re sick or not; it’s not an option to stay in bed all day watching daytime television. You have responsibilities that include but are not limited to: cooking, being a snack dispenser, cleaning, changing diapers, kissing boo-boo’s, etc. However, you don’t have to be a Super Parent, if your kids are happy, fed and safe then call that a win. So, here are a few strategies to help you out when you feel like death warmed over.
Have a hidden treasure trove
-You don’t have to spend a lot of money; just go to the dollar store and pick up some activity books, coloring books, crayons, puzzles, small toys and snacks. Stash these away for a rainy day so the novelty doesn’t run out. When the need arises break out the box of treasures for the kiddos and let them have at it.
Lowest effort!
-Games like doctor, pretending to be a hill/race track for cars, Simon Says, I Spy, etc. can provide you the opportunity to move as little as possible while still entertaining your kids.
Obstacle course for the win
-Plan out an obstacle course throughout the house; pile up pillows, couch cushions, space them out and pretend that the floor is lava. Bonus tip: If you do use the entire house, hide sticky notes or any other identifiable objects (their favorite stuffed animal or a favorite toy) around the home for your kids to find or “rescue”. Granted this takes some effort, however it may have a bigger payoff in the long run.
Screen time
-Try and use screen time sparingly and when you use it try to engage your child in what they’re watching-not just letting them veg-out. However, no judgement will be passed if the kids get a little extra screen time when the trade off is recovering and keeping your sanity.
-Take a breather-you’re sick! Chores can wait; missing a day (or two) won’t make that big of a difference. And if it does what does it matter, no one is coming to visit- you’re sick!
Skip the Routine
-As much as you might want to follow your daily routine, I’m here to tell you to “let it go”.
-Make it a pajama day. Let the kids run around in their PJ’s all day (if you can)
-The kids can have cereal, toast, a banana or apple for breakfast. Or even easier still-Pop Tarts; while not the heathiest breakfast, the kids won’t complain
-Lunch? Mac and Cheese is always a win, so are chicken nuggets. Or if you have the means, get food delivered
So, relax, take a break and recuperate; as long as your children are fed, changed and safe you’re doing well. This way the majority of your efforts can be put into feeling better and the sooner you feel better, the sooner you can get back into your normal routine.