Early Childhood Development in Kenosha

When it comes to tracking early childhood development in Kenosha, the team at Help Me Grow and the Kenosha Achievement Center are here to guide you through your journey. Our team is here to help you track and understand your child’s developmental milestones and recognize what your child should be doing by a certain age. The team at Help Me Grow is here to provide you with the tools that you need to track and gauge early childhood development in Kenosha.

early childhood development in Kenosha, Kenosha early childhood development, development in early childhood in Kenosha

Early Childhood Development in Kenosha Matters!

When you choose to get help with early childhood development from the team at Help Me Grow (HMG), you’re choosing something that is not a stand-alone program. Help Me Grow is a system model that utilizes and builds on existing resources to help develop and enhance a comprehensive approach to early childhood development in Kenosha.

You can help track your child from the age of 2 months to 5 years with CDC’s easily used and illustrated checklists. This is a great way to find out what to do if you are ever concerned about how your child is developing.

early childhood development in Kenosha, Kenosha early childhood development, development in early childhood in Kenosha

Early Childhood Development in Kenosha from HMG

We offer an intuitive system of milestones that can help you gauge what skills your child should be able to perform in which age group. Our team helps look into 5 different areas- communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and personal social. With these 5 areas, you can learn how your early childhood development is going for your child.

If you have an interest in learning about how Help Me Grow helps early childhood development in Kenosha, get in contact with one of our team members today! We know your child development is a journey, and we want to help you better understand where they may be at and how they’re doing.